Libertà clandestine (Libertades clandestinas)

Clandestine freedoms is an exhibition project that addresses the spaces of clandestine “freedom” and creativity that Argentine political prisoners managed to gain during the 1976-83 Argentine dictatorship. The exhibition is a collection of interconnected works that revolve around two central projects, Memoria de la materia and Affiorare.


Memoria de la materia ( Memory of matter)

Memoria de la materia is an artistic research project winner of the Italian Council 2022, scope 3, grant to support international research by artists, curators and critics. Through the award, talks, workshops and project rooms were held in different settings between Argentina, Colombia, Spain, Italy and Slovakia. Multiple works resulted from this research: Tutorials, Archive of Clandestine Crafts, Abbecedario del linguaggio muto carcerario, The Appointment, Constellations.

The artist's book can be viewed in the digital collection of the Eduardo Sivori Museum at the link: